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The Bachelor’s in Economics at Hangzhou Normal University is a four-year program taught in English for international students.

This Bachelor of Science is an undergraduate degree that imparts a foundation of information about botany, zoology, and ecology as well as molecular and cell biology and microbiology. Students attend classes and labs, gaining valuable knowledge regarding organisms. A BSc can serve as a terminal degree to enter research and laboratory careers or be used as a preparation for graduate work in the biological sciences.

Courses such as organismal and cell biology, genetics, and chemistry, along with their associated laboratory work, make up the knowledge base that students will build on as they continue their degree and begin to focus their studies. Students will choose an area of specialization and tailor their final coursework toward this focus in areas such as field botany or microbiology, developing expertise that will give them an advantage in graduate school applications or fieldwork.

Bachelor’s in Biology

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Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens, normally aged 18 and above and in good health, holding valid passports and willing to abide by China’s laws and the university’s rules and regulations and show due respect to China’s social and cultural customs.

A requirement of proficiency in the Chinese language:

Applicants for programs in the fields of Liberal Arts and Law must have the certificate showing that their proficiency reaches Level 4 of HSK Test (old format) or score 190 or above of Level 4 (new format), and those for programs in Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Economics, Management, Music, Fine Arts, etc. must have the certificate showing their proficiency reaching Level 3 of HSK Test (old format) or score 180 or above of Level 4 (new format).

The University runs Chinese language programs to help international students improve their proficiency and meet the requirements. Applicants with certificates of Level 7 or above (old format) or Level 6 (new format) will be permitted to start their program studies directly if admitted.


There are different types of accommodation facilities for international students on the different campuses of the university. Self-sponsored students can also rent off-campus housing with the approval of the university and registration with the local Public Security Bureau. Accommodation costs can vary between RMB 4000 and 18000 yuan per year depending on the facilities and conditions.


About the University Summary

Hangzhou Normal University is a local comprehensive university that is characterized by teacher education and art education, with a focus on basic sciences and liberal arts, rapid development of emerging applied disciplines, and multidisciplinary coordination. The school's predecessor can be traced back to the Zhejiang government-run two-level normal school, one of the six national higher normal schools, founded in 1908. Hangzhou Normal University was established in 1978, and five schools including Hangzhou Education College were incorporated around 2000. In 2007, it was renamed Hangzhou Normal University.

During the century-long school running, Hangzhou Normal University adhered to the policy of "advancing with the times" advocated by the first president Jing Hengyi, adhered to the school motto of "diligent, sincere, and sophisticated," and promoted "tolerance and openness, learning and living together". The spirit of the Normal University is to continue to breathe with the times and share the fate with the nation. Hongwen encourages teachers and blues one after another, and strives for self-improvement and continuous singing, forming the school characteristics of "Humanities Hall, Art Campus". Li Shutong, Xia Yizun, Zhu Ziqing, Ye Shengtao and other famous teachers have taught at the school, and they have cultivated outstanding alumni in various fields such as Feng Zikai, Pan Tianshou, Chen Jiangong, etc., and became the source of the Zhejiang New Culture Movement at that time and the earliest main position for spreading democratic scientific ideas It is one of the birthplaces of modern Chinese education, modern Chinese art education, and the early activities of the Chinese Communist Party. Bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the school keeps pace with the development of the times, and the level of school running ability continues to improve. In the new era, a large number of outstanding talents such as Cai Ronggen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Ma Yun, an innovator in the digital economy, have emerged.

The school has a beautiful environment and beautiful scenery. The existing three campuses of Cangqian, Yuhuangshan and Xiasha are located in Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City, the shore of the West Lake and the bank of the Qiantang River, covering an area of ​​1.889 million square meters. The school consists of 19 colleges, a public teaching unit, and a directly affiliated hospital (Hangzhou Second People's Hospital). It has 20280 full-time students (excluding independent colleges), 2724 full-time master students, and doctoral students. 40 people, 495 foreign students. There are currently 2271 faculty members and 1558 full-time teachers (approximately 56% of senior titles), sharing nearly 80 national and provincial high-level talents, including academicians, Yangtze River scholars from the Ministry of Education, and winners of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, enjoying the State Council 21 subsidies and 3 outstanding teachers nationwide, the school was selected as the first batch of provincial overseas high-level talents innovation and entrepreneurship base.

In 2008, the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued "Several Opinions on Supporting the Construction of a First-Class Comprehensive University in Hangzhou Normal University" (Municipal Committee [2008] No. 12), which strongly supported the construction and development of the school, and the school ushered in the golden period of career development. Through the concerted efforts of teachers and students throughout the school, and strong support from all walks of life, the school is considered to be one of the fastest-growing local universities in the country in the past decade. There are 1 doctoral talent training programs for special needs in the country, 24 first-level master's degree programs, and 16 master's degree authorized categories. The four disciplines of chemistry, clinical medicine, botany and zoology, and neurology and behavioral science have entered the top 1% of ESI globally. The comprehensive ESI ranking has entered the top 100 nationwide for many years, with 14 provincial first-class disciplines (8 in A, 6 in B). Each). The number of projects approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Foundation ranks among the top universities in the province. Since 2012, it has obtained 1 national major scientific research project and 1 national key research and development project. The number of high-level papers has increased year by year, and the Natural Index (NI) of the paper has entered the top 100 universities in mainland China for three consecutive years.

The school has 74 undergraduate majors, covering 11 disciplines, including 5 national-level specialty majors, 1 pilot of the Ministry of Education's comprehensive reform of majors, and 34 provincial-level “12th Five-Year” and “13th Five-Year” advantages and specialty majors. , 9 national quality courses, high-quality resource sharing courses and video public courses, high-quality online open courses, 13 national planning teaching materials; 1 Ministry of Education outstanding teacher training plan reform project, 51 industry-academia collaborative education programs; national 2 experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national university students off-campus practical education base, 2 national demonstration virtual simulation experimental teaching projects, 12 international cooperative scientific research platforms, 1 national science and technology business incubator, and key laboratory of the Ministry of Education There are 1 engineering research center, 17 provincial key laboratories, engineering laboratories, research bases, scientific and technological innovation service platforms, 11 provincial and ministerial innovation teams, and 2 provincial new university think tanks.

The school always regards the quality of teaching as the foundation of the school, adheres to the fundamental task of building people with morality, inherits the education thought of "personality first, and five educations simultaneously", continuously deepens education and teaching reform, actively adapts to regional economic and social development needs, and vigorously promotes Innovative and entrepreneurial education. The quality of undergraduate teaching in the school ranks among the top universities in Zhejiang Province. In the past five years, it has won 10 national teaching achievement awards. The awards are among the top universities in the province. It has delivered a large number of advanced educational concepts and theoretical literacy for Zhejiang Province and the country. The outstanding teachers with high and strong practical ability are the implementation units of the Ministry of Education's outstanding teacher training plan reform project, the first batch of national universities for innovation and entrepreneurship training programs, and the first batch of national innovation and entrepreneurship typical experience universities. The school has established intercollegiate cooperation and exchange relationships with more than 30 universities in the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia, Taiwan and other countries and regions. It has co-organized a Confucius Institute with Central Tennessee State University in the United States and has qualifications for enrolling and cultivating international students in China. It is the first batch of pilot universities in China to study in China for quality certification.

At present, the whole school is united and united, working together to accelerate the construction of a first-class university with strong strength, distinctive characteristics and strong culture!

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